With typical ferrier travel luck, the M3 and M25 were partially closed and traffic was at a standstill - were it not for the SatNav and Daddy's super speedy backroad driving, we would not have made it to the airport on time, if at all. There were the most incredible clouds, which would have looked much less out of place in Africa. Almost brown and billowing, they eventually broke, and the last leg if the journey was in torrential downpour, i think we managed to aquaplane in the car. Quite scary.
The flight was packed, the food a million times better than Icelandair, and i watched Just My Luck and An Inconvenient Truth - Lindsay Lohan and Global warming - what a combination. I thoroughly recommend you all to see An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore is a new hero of mine. If only he had been elected over Bush.

Saw an amazing mountain range as we flew into UAE. I've found out that it was the Zagros Mountains.
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