Stefanía and I went to visit AVIMAS as unofficial and oblivious representatives of ICEIDA. AVIMAS (Association of Widows and Single Mothers) began in 1997 and members are taught various skills (sewing, embroidery, hairdressing etc.) to enable them to support themselves, their children and grandchildren.
We were there to take part in a 'capulana ceremony'. Capulanas are Mozambican sarongs which the women wear over their clothes, around their waists. The women had made the capulanas from fabric and paints ICEIDA had provided and we were officially handing them over after they had signed some kind of contract, at least those who could write - some of the older women were illiterate and had to ink their thumbs and make prints instead.
Jeramiah, a Mozambican ICEIDA employee who was with us, helped us ask the women some questions. One of the founding members spoke to us about AVIMAS - she said it was created to help women forget their problems, their worries. When the women were at the centre they forgot the pain of losing their husbands, they forgot to worry about their poverty. They felt empowered to improve their lives, and the lives of their families and they were able to take control of their futures. It was very moving to hear this woman speak; she had such an amazing, expressive face.
The AVIMAS ladies sang us a few songs, Jeramiah tried to translate some of the lyrics. One was about listening to advice being important, another about ICEIDA - thanking them for their help. They began dancing, and decided that we should to. I think I proved that white women can't really dance, but it was great fun, and it must of ingratiated me to them as they began calling me Carlotinha (little Charlotte). I have to learn to dance like them while I'm here.

Hi gorgeous,
Ta for ringo link - fab pics of you,you stunner! Roberto came round last night to cook the pasta and wants to say a big Hi to you! Love the dancing pics - reminds me of my african travels(yearn). Stay smiling cherub. ;-)
Sarah x
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